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Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Box in a Box

This video is really funny! For your viewing pleasure

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So I am President Now

So with half of the offices for the cycling team abandoning ship, this left leadership roles in the top tier of the team. After talking with the only remaining commissioned officer, this role of president fell onto my shoulders. After becoming president, it became very apparent that we have some serious work to do if we want to get our crit onto the schedule for this season. I have been pretending to be president for only about one week, I have sent more emails than I sent over the entire winter break. I sent an email to the coach of CSU to find out if they are planning on having two days of racing , or if we could continue to have our race on the same weekend. Our other date that is an option is the weekend of April 7-8, which is open. I am writing this during class and should probably be listening instead of blogging. Have a good day and keep on keeping on.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Am I susposed to update this myself?

Do to the long dramatic absence of updates about my exciting life, I felt that I should relieve the anxiety of my fellow readers and give you a riveting description of my life. I have spent the last month before school working every shift you can imagine. One week I did 4 nights shifts 6p-7a. Followed the next week with two day shifts 6a-7p. The effect that this has on an individual is cruel and unusual punishment. Another event that transpired over the break was getting to look at my bike on the trainer in the middle of my kitchen for weeks at a time. Every time that I walked by the bike, I thought I should ride that thing. Did I act on that thought? Oh course not! I spent about 5 days over the break in Louisville and boulder trying my best to avoid g-town for a few days. I got up into the mountains for a snow shoeing trip on the 31 of December. As you all know, school started yesterday, and I got an interesting email from the office of financial aid office. To summarize the letter for you it said that the financial aid office is withholding my financial aid for the semester because I have exceeded the maximum of allowable credits without graduating. After going all over campus getting "herbie handcock" from the many different adviser's that I have for my may different degrees, I turned the form in. A few days later, I got an email that said that "I was approved until may 2008 only!". Well this is long enough for now. I will be updating again later today. Thanks for reading about my boring life. Dana