I have had quite an eventfull couple of weeks. On june 20 I went to boulder to visit a friend that lives in flordia. He had the great idea to go tubing down the boulder creek, which runs out of boulder canyon from nederland. I tried to convience him to let me drive to the creek, but he insisted in taking his dad's sports car. We bought the tubes and started filling them up with air. It was at this time that it occured to us that we didn't have much room to put the filled tubes inside the car. Since I didn't know the pressure rating of said tube, I filled the tubes up to what I considered an adequate volume. After all I didn't want a blow out of the tube right in my face. So we made our way up to the park near the mouth of the canyon. My brilliant friend embarked on this adventure with a pair of flip flops. We changed into our swim suits and made our way to look for a put in spot. When we saw the water it was clear just how bad of an idea this truly was. The creek was not a creek, but a raging torrent of a creek. We found a decent place to get in and discovered that our tubes were grossley underfilled. My friend floated out in the cold water and stayed on the tube for about 20 seconds before a rapid filpped him off his tube and made him hold on for dear life. I lasted about 45 seconds before I went over a large drop off into a big eddie of swirrling torrent. I had to swim real hard to make it to the edge and grab onto some rocks. It is important to note that right above this eddie was a walking bridge over the creek, with a few people wathcing as I was tossed violently right under their feet. So I am stuck on the wrong side of the river. I decided to try to jump back in and try to get to the other side. I was forced to swim for my life. The Dane Cook joke was going through my head as I made it back to the same rocks that had been my savior a few momments ealier "don't float over me when I'm dying in the abyss". I finally made it bavk to the correct side of thr river without being sodamized by a shallow rock, but I did get brussed up pretty good. My friend with the flip flops lost one right where I had all of my truble, but was able to retrieve it. All told we probably only went 300 yards down stream.
The next evening a different friend and I decided to make the best use of the summer solstice and go dirt biking to find a good place to practice our marksmanship with our handguns. The dirt bike that I was riding was a old honda 250. It was getting dark on our way back, with no problems. The problems statred when I missed the turn to go back to my friends house. I turned around to go back to the turn, it was up hill and I killed the bike.I tried about 5 time to get the bike up this hill which was on pavement without any luck, the bike just kept stalling no mater how much gas or clutch I gave it. I was starting to get nervous because I was in the middle of a paved road "sugar loaf rd" in the dark without a tail light. My buddy suggested that the bike was low on fuel, so I switched the reserve switch to try and get the bike up this rise. This is when all the trouble started. I gave it too much gas or let go popped the clutch, and I lost control of the bike and made a bee line for the left shoulder of thr paved road. It was here that I layed the dirt bike down on my right side. I got up and realized that I was not able to put any weight onto my right foot. My buddy got the bike running again after a few minutes as I slowely tried to put weight onto my "sprained ankle". I rode the bike the mile or so back to the house with my leg dangling. As soon as I got back I sat down onb the ground and let my buddy put the bikes away. It was at this point that I decided that I didn't want to navigate the stairs into the house and we went to the hospital for some x-rays. After the doc had a chance to review the films, he came in and said " well the good news is your not going to lose your leg". It turns out that I broke both boned in my lower leg right above the top of the hiking boots, which saved my ankle.I spent one painful night in the hospital, not becuase the break was really bad, but because the nurse waited hours to get me pain medication once I got admitted. I was released later the next day to wait for the swelling to go down. I went home to my mother's house for a few days. I went back to the hospital on tuesday 26th not knowing if I was going to just get a cast or have to have surgery and then cast. The surgeon didn't know which option he would have to employ until my splint came off and I was asleep. So when I woke up in recovery I didn't know if I had surgery or not. The answer to tht question was no surgery. The surgeon was able to just cast the leg. I'm in a full leg cast that goes above my knee and half way up my thigh. I'm still not sure how long I will have to be in this cast, but its going to be a long time. I will find out in about a week when i visit the doctor again. Well I'm getting tired of typing all of this on a blackberry so I will keep all of you posted. Thanks for checking in.
Wow! That Sucks...
Just so you know, its spelled "Broken" just thought you should know
Shorter Evan:
"Pot, you're black. Duh.
Seriously, with all of you newly found free time, I expect a first draft to be done in Word and then a simple cut and paste to ensure a quality post.
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