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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Osama Bin Laden Family Guy

Here is the video that I eluded to in my post a few days ago. I still don't know how to get that hyperlink to work. Enjoy the video and take notes because there will be a test later. Enjoy

I'm out of Coffee

So I have been out of coffee for almost a week. I know this is not a big deal to some people, but to us cyclists this is a major problem. Instead of just going to the store to buy more coffee, that would be to easy, I have been going to different places every morning to get that ever so important morning coffee fix. Well today I was starting to run out of different places to go get this fix until an idea popped into my head. What was that idea you may ask? Well it has to do with certain smells that are overwhelming at brian's house. Still don't know?

Now you may ask why this last picture is not turned the correct way. The answer to that question is do you think that I have the time to make sure that all my pictures have been formatted correctly before I post. I just don't have that much time on my hands.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Space Shuttle Launch

In case you missed it here is the shuttle discovery in all her glory on August 28, 2006

Its Monday again

Its monday again and I thought that you all could use some uplifiting today so here is a video for your viewing pleasure.

Go to this link in google video. I could not figure out how to get the link to work

I have been trying to save money by cooking at home over the past week or so. I thought that you may enjoy some of the culinary masterpieces that I have created.

I know you think it looks good. Especially you evan!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Board in class again. Money well spent? NO!

So I have decided that bringing my computer to class is not the greatest idea that I have ever had. The reason for this is my inability to pay attention during class, due to my surfing the internet for any thing other than what is being discussed in class.

Reading evans blog today made me decide to put this picture up for corey's sake to contribute to coreys sun flower collection.

My life this last week has been nothing but school, with a big presentation and a test this week. I'd like to think that this is the reason that I have not been riding since last wednesday, But I have been lazey and not getting out there. I am thinking of doing pine wood climb on friday I think if anyone is interested. I plan on continuing the tradition of drunking biking on friday nights. Last weeek I blacked out at pitchers and aparently myde my way back to my house by weeving and swerving all the way home. Let me know if any one wants to participate friday. Thanks for reading my great blog.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Can You believe that I'm Updating

So I have been avoiding updating, but I decided that I was so bored in class today that I decided that it was time.

Is anyone else ready for Christmas vacation? I know I am!

So by now most of you know about my recent induction into the century club. Well I didn't think that I could do it, but thanks to Corey sitting in the wind from Estes back to greeley I was able to make it back home. This was the first time that I got to decent on a bike that fits me. So after a long wait here is the bicycle review for the 2005 Oreba Onix.

What can I say about riding a bike that fits you properly, how did I go so long without a bike like this? Riding up hill on the onix seemed much easier than it was on the steel monster, probably again due to the better fit. I have decided that on this new bike that mathematically I can't be beaten.(yeah right)

Starting my 6th year in college I am getting really sick of having to take classes that I have already taken. For example I took a class my second year called health promotion for sports and exercise science, now I am taking a class called health promotion for nurses and it is exactly the same thing. Money well spent I think.