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Saturday, November 11, 2006

Arrived in Berlin!

Against all odds we were able to navigate our way across the border of Poland and into germany. I only almost crashed the car twice. We are going out on a bar and pub tour of berlin tonight. German beer here I come.

Above you can see a statue in the town square of poznan poland, a polish flag, the air plane that we flew from munich to poland, and the cars in poland parking on the side walk.


Anonymous said...

You said POLAND!!

Why didn't SANTA have any children??

Because he only comes once a year and when he does, it's down the chimeny!!!

hahahaha, that was funny!!
hope you are having fun in BERLIN, pinche!!!


Anonymous said...

You said POLAND!!

Why doesn't SANTA have any children??

Because he only comes once a year and when he does, it's down the chimeny!!!

hahahaha, that was funny!!
hope you are having fun in BERLIN, pinche!!!


Anonymous said...

your head is right by that first pic....

hope you are having fun in berlin. it's getting cold here in g-town. say hi to all fine blondes for me and hi to all the behemoths for eli!!!

peace out


Anonymous said...

GIRLS, what do they look like around there!!!