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Monday, January 14, 2008

First Ride of the NEW YEAR

Today was my first ride of the new year and probably would not have happened without the encouragement of the long lost Alex Lewis. It was a balmy 25 degrees above Fahrenheit. We slowly made our way to Eaton. This gave us the opportunity to have the first official officer meeting of the semi defunct UNC cycling team.

Since the first of the Year, I have been trying to make up for my 6 month hiatus from the working world by working myself to death with the overnight shifts. I thought that you my fellow readers would enjoy sharing in some of numerous sunrises that I have seen on my return home from work.

Here I am working very hard, notice a required tool of the night shift, the coffee cup.

As all of you know G-reality is know for it ability to fly a kite aka the wind blows always. Because of this constant wind, I have had a hell of a time keeping my pilot light lite, resulting in the temperature plummeting all the way below the range of the thermostat to display an accurate reading. I hope everyone is well and life is good.

PS I'm going to Las Vegas for the first time for my Birthday at the end of the month.

1 comment:

Senior Administration Official said...

My goodness, Dana, 25 degrees is mighty cold. I suggest you have a trainer/roller party instead.

Best of luck with the pilot light. We keep our house at 58 degrees, but that's due to our meager budgets.