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Friday, July 07, 2006

Trouble on the road!

I decided that I figure out how to get pictures up on for all the world to see. The picture that I decided to post is of a flat tire that I got on HW-85. The best part is the fact that I didnt have a spare tire to put on after this happened. Last night I had more people over at my dirty appartment than I ever had before. I had 7 people over drinking and and trying to explain to non-cyclists how the tour works. Koch and evan tried to explain the domstique thing to evan's old roommate. This kid was not getting it even with them arguing with him for over an hour, all talking at the same time. All of the officers of the cycling team except the pres were in attendence. There was an ex-pres, but thats not the same!

On the fourth I went to the parade that and got a few pictures that I though you would be sort of interested in. I would have posted these with the independence post, but I didn't know how to get picutes up until today. For your viewing pleasure

1 comment:

Senior Administration Official said...

For the record, I thought the domestique conversation/argument was the funniest event of the evening. I think the combination of at least three different drugs may have played a role in this amusement. I'm quite glad I was absorbed in my magazine, or I might have become as heated as Koch. Whew.
Thanks for having me over (and I apologize for not coming back after my cigarette fiasco).

Lovin' the pictures.